What's better on a windy, cold day than a delicious PA Dutch Pot Pie dinner? Chef Wayne's homemade noodles make it perfect.
$13 dinner includes ready-to-eat pot pie, dinner roll, and applesauce! Drinks will be available for purchase.
You have the option to take out from 4-4:30 pm or dine in from 4:30-6:00 pm in the social hall. Pre-order only by paper form (located at all church entrances and at the rectory) or online (link below). Paper forms may be mailed to or dropped off at the Rectory during normal business hours. Orders may also be placed in the collection basket in an envelope marked, "Pot Pie Dinner."
Deadline for orders is Monday, February 17th.

If you have any questions about the Pot Pie Sale, please call the rectory at 610-921-2729.